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ROS Robotics By Example. Bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applications

ROS Robotics By Example. Bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applications

Autor: Carol Fairchild, Dr. Thomas L. Harman
ISBN: 9781785286704
Tytuł oryginału: ROS Robotics By Example. Bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applications
Format: HA, stron: 428
Data wydania: 2016-06-30

Koszty wysyłki

Cena książki: 149.00 zł



The visionaries who created ROS developed a framework for robotics centered on the commonality of robotic systems and exploited this commonality in ROS to expedite the development of future robotic systems.
From the fundamental concepts to advanced practical experience, this book will provide you with an incremental knowledge of the ROS framework, the backbone of the robotics evolution. ROS standardizes many layers of robotics functionality from low-level device drivers to process control to message passing to software package management. This book provides step-by-step examples of mobile, armed, and flying robots, describing the ROS implementation as the basic model for other robots of these types. By controlling these robots, whether in simulation or in reality, you will use ROS to drive, move, and fly robots using ROS control.

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