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Mastering QuickBooks 2020

Mastering QuickBooks 2020

Autor: Crystalynn Shelton
ISBN: 9781789955453
Tytuł oryginału: Mastering QuickBooks 2020
Format: HA, stron: 332
Data wydania: 2019-12-27

Koszty wysyłki

Cena książki: 149.00 zł



Intuit QuickBooks is an accounting software package that helps small business owners to manage all their bookkeeping tasks. Its complete range of accounting capabilities, such as tracking income and expenses, managing payroll, simplifying taxes, and accepting online payments, makes QuickBooks software a must-have for business owners and aspiring bookkeepers.
This book is a handy guide to using QuickBooks Online to manage accounting tasks and drawing business insights by generating reports easily. Using a fictitious company, the book demonstrates how to create a QuickBooks Online account; customize key settings for a business; manage customers, vendors, and products and services; generate reports; and close the books at the end of the period. QuickBooks records your debits and credits, so you don't need to learn accounting. However, you will find out what happens under the hood and understand how your financial statements are impacted by what you do in QuickBooks. You'll also discover tips, shortcuts, and best practices that will help you save time and become a QuickBooks pro.
By the end of this book, you'll have become well-versed with the features of QuickBooks and be able to set up your business and manage all bookkeeping tasks with ease.

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