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Managing Risks in Digital Transformation. Navigate the modern landscape of digital threats with the help of real-world examples and use cases

Managing Risks in Digital Transformation. Navigate the modern landscape of digital threats with the help of real-world examples and use cases

Autor: Ashish Kumar, Shashank Kumar, Abbas Kudrati, Sarah Armstrong- Smith
ISBN: 9781803234144
Tytuł oryginału: Managing Risks in Digital Transformation. Navigate the modern landscape of digital threats with the help of real-world examples and use cases
Format: HA, stron: 242
Data wydania: 2023-04-14

Koszty wysyłki

Cena książki: 94.99 zł



With the rapid pace of digital change today, especially since the pandemic sped up digital transformation and technologies, it has become more important than ever to be aware of the unknown risks and the landscape of digital threats. This book highlights various risks and shows how business-as-usual operations carried out by unaware or targeted workers can lead your organization to a regulatory or business risk, which can impact your organization’s reputation and balance sheet.
This book is your guide to identifying the topmost risks relevant to your business with a clear roadmap of when to start the risk mitigation process and what your next steps should be. With a focus on the new and emerging risks that remote-working companies are experiencing across diverse industries, you’ll learn how to manage risks by taking advantage of zero trust network architecture and the steps to be taken when smart devices are compromised. Toward the end, you’ll explore various types of AI-powered machines and be ready to make your business future-proof.
In a nutshell, this book will direct you on how to identify and mitigate risks that the ever- advancing digital technology has unleashed.

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