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LaTeX Cookbook. Over 100 practical, ready-to-use LaTeX recipes for instant solutions - Second Edition

LaTeX Cookbook. Over 100 practical, ready-to-use LaTeX recipes for instant solutions - Second Edition

Autor: Stefan Kottwitz
ISBN: 9781835082294
Tytuł oryginału: LaTeX Cookbook. Over 100 practical, ready-to-use LaTeX recipes for instant solutions - Second Edition
Format: HA, stron: 424
Data wydania: 2024-02-29

Koszty wysyłki

Cena książki: 129.00 zł



The second edition of LaTeX Cookbook offers improved and additional examples especially for users in science and academia, with a focus on new packages for creating graphics with LaTeX. This edition also features an additional chapter on ChatGPT use to improve content, streamline code, and automate tasks, thereby saving time. This book is a practical guide to utilizing the capabilities of modern document classes and exploring the functionalities of the newest LaTeX packages. Starting with familiar document types like articles, books, letters, posters, leaflets, and presentations, it contains detailed tutorials for refining text design, adjusting fonts, managing images, creating tables, and optimizing PDFs. It also covers elements such as the bibliography, glossary, and index. You’ll learn to create graphics directly within LaTeX, including diagrams and plots, and explore LaTeX’s application across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. The book’s website offers online compilable code, an example gallery, and supplementary information related to the book, including the author’s LaTeX forum, where you can get personal support. By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills to optimize productivity through practical demonstrations of effective LaTeX usage in diverse scenarios.

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